Be strong and fit no matter your age in just 1 hour a week. Ageless Strength shows athletes and active people how to build sustainable fitness for a lifetime of active pursuits.

It’s a myth that our older years only bring physical decline. While it’s true that we may lose strength, bone density, and balance as we age, our bodies react the same way to training at any age. The key is to push our bodies in the right ways. A smart mix of strength training can counteract the physical effects of aging and keep you strong and fit for years. In just two 30-minute sessions a week, you can get into the best shape of your life at any age.


Ageless Strength offers a simple, effective way to get strong and fit. In his focused and proven program, coach and trainer Jeff Horowitz reveals exercises that fight back against the years. Ageless Strength is an effective program that includes:

  • A dynamic and engaging mix of 50 simple strength exercises that will build muscle, bone, and balance to combat the top three physical changes that lead to injury and loss of strength
  • A 6-week quick-start program to build out your fitness base as well as a long-term strength program
  • Coded exercises with photos and step-by-step instructions to make it easy to personalize the workout routine that is ideal for you
  • Variations and options to make each exercise more challenging as your fitness improves
  • Exercises you can do at home or on the go.

These effective exercises use bodyweight or minimal equipment so that no gym membership is required. Each functional strength move mimics a real-life motion so you’ll know it will help your day-to-day fitness.


Whether you want to keep going strong in your favorite sport or simply attack the challenges of daily life with confidence and power, Ageless Strength shows that it’s never too late to get into the best shape of your life!

Quick Strength for Runners offers a smart, fast-paced strength training program for runners who want to run faster and with fewer injuries. In under an hour a week, runners will strengthen their core and key running muscles to build a better runner’s body.

Strength training is crucial to better running and injury prevention. But it’s difficult to know which exercises work best for runners or to get motivated to hit the gym.

In Quick Strength for Runners, running coach and personal trainer Jeff Horowitz simplifies strength training into just two 20-minute workouts per week, with no gym or pricey equipment required. Designed specifically for runners, the Quick Strength program pinpoints the exercises that really work. Inside you’ll find:
• A guide to how strength training leads to better running form and fitness
• 40 targeted exercises, with step-by-step photos and clear instructions
• Progressive workouts and advanced form options to increase strength as fitness improves
• A focused and efficient 8-week strength training program
• Tips on designing your own long-term workout program for a lifetime of fitness
Quick Strength for Runners makes it easy for runners to build a better runner’s body. This highly effective, easy-to-implement program will make you a stronger, faster runner in under an hour a week so you can stay on the road or trail.

In Running Rewired, America’s leading endurance sports physical therapist and coach shares a program for runners to become stronger, faster, and more durable. Jay Dicharry distills cutting-edge biomechanical research into 15 workouts any runner can slot into their training program to begin seeing real results in about 6 weeks.


For better or worse, your body drives your running form. Running Rewired will show you how to shed old injuries, mobility problems, weaknesses and imbalances and rewire your body-brain movement patterns. You’ll rebuild your movement and transform your running within one season.


Through his work with athletes at REP Lab and top university sports performance clinics, Dicharry has found that strength training alone is inadequate for runners. To develop the four essential movement skills required for faster, safer running, runners must practice better movement as they build strength. In Running Rewired, you’ll use


• 11 self-tests for joint mobility, posture stability, rotation, and alignment

• 83 exercises to fix blocks, move with precision, build strength, and improve power

• 15 rewire workouts to amplify any training plan from 5K to ultramarathon


Dicharry’s Running Rewired combines the best of real-world coaching and a physical therapy approach to strength and mobility for better running. You’ll find your personal best running form and become a faster, more durable runner.


Training and Racing with a Power Meter brings the advanced power-based training techniques of elite cyclists and triathletes to everyone.


A power meter can unlock more speed and endurance than any other training tool—but only if you understand the data. This new third edition of Training and Racing with a Power Meter updates the comprehensive guide so that any rider can exploit the incredible usefulness of any power meter.


Pioneering cycling coach Hunter Allen and exercise physiologists Dr. Andy Coggan and Stephen McGregor show how to use a power meter to find your baseline power data, profile your strengths and weaknesses, measure fitness and fatigue, optimize your daily workouts, peak for races, and set and adjust your racing strategy during a race.


This third edition includes:


  • All-new power metrics: FRC, Pmax, mFTP, Power Duration Curve, and more
  • Two new power-based training plans for masters cyclists and triathletes
  • New training plans to raise Functional Threshold Power
  • Over 100 new power-based workouts
  • New guidance for triathletes on pacing the bike and run
  • New case studies on master cyclists and triathletes
  • Methods to test power duration and pinpoint weaknesses in a variety of race distances
  • 100 newly illustrated charts


Training and Racing with a Power Meter, 3rd Ed. is the definitive, comprehensive guide to using a power meter. Armed with the revolutionary techniques from this guide, cyclists and triathletes can achieve lasting improvements for their best performances ever.


Ultramarathons don’t leave much room for mistakes. Don’t learn the hard way: get a jump on training for an ultramarathon with Hal Koerner’s Field Guide to Ultrarunning, a comprehensive handbook to running 30 to 100 miles and beyond, written by one of the most experienced and recognized athletes in the sport.


Hal Koerner is among America’s best ultrarunners with podium results in more than 90 ultramarathons. In his smart, down-to-earth handbook, Koerner shares hard-earned wisdom, field-tested habits, and insider tips to help you prepare for your ultra.


You’ll find guidance on exactly what you need to know to prepare for an ultramarathon, including:


  • the best gear for ultrarunning
  • fueling and hydration guidelines
  • choosing an ultra
  • trail-running technique
  • first-aid advice
  • beating altitude, storms, and heat
  • race-day game plans
  • crew and pacer tips
  • mental strategies to get you to the finish line


The guide offers three detailed training plans to prepare for 50K, 50-mile to 100K, and 100-mile ultramarathon.


Start your ultra with confidence and finish it strong with Hal Koerner’s Field Guide to Ultrarunning!


Triathlon Swimming reveals the rewarding and rigorous Tower 26 program for mastering open-water swimming by the world’s leading open-water swimming coach Gerry Rodrigues and former pro triathlete Emma-Kate Lidbury.


Triathlon swimming is unique in its challenges and physical and mental limits. Over his lifetime of over 100 open-water swim race wins and over 30 years of coaching, Rodrigues has perfected the art and science of open-water swimming. His famed Tower 26 swimming program trains athletes in both the pool and in rough open water conditions, making triathletes and swimmers skilled, confident, capable, and fast in any condition.


In Triathlon Swimming, Rodrigues and Lidbury break down the open-water swimming technique and show how triathlon swimming requires different forms. From kicking to sighting, Triathlon Swimming describes the best technique for swimming in open water. This guide shares the best gear for open-water swimming, shows how to create your own effective open-water swim workouts, and shares a plan for race prep and taper.


Tower 26 offers the best open-water swimming technique. With Rodrigues’ coaching approach and Lidbury’s first-hand experience and insight, Triathlon Swimming can help you become a master open-water swimmer for faster, fearless racing.


Athletes love smoothies because they offer a simple, delicious way to get the nutrients they need. Sport Smoothies offers more than 60 fully-illustrated smoothie recipes for before and after workouts, for building muscle, and for carb-loading.


Smoothies are one of the most athlete-friendly drinks. Packing in the nutrients, calories, and hydration that are so essential to athletic performance, smoothies are an athlete-friendly way to fuel the body and recover after workouts.


With Sport Smoothies, athletes can choose the smoothie that best fuels the workout goals of each day—or just pick the flavors they’re in the mood for. Each Sport Smoothie recipe contains a tasty mix of 4-6 healthy ingredients that are easy to find in any grocery store. Combining the unique benefits of a variety of fruits, vegetables, nut butters, and seeds, Sport Smoothies offers up great flavors for athletes to improve their health and recovery.


Work In shares new mental and physical recovery techniques for athletes who give it all in every workout.


Yoga and recovery coach Erin Taylor gives athletes practical tools and an integrated plan for real recovery from training and everyday life. By making yoga and meditation easy for anyone, Taylor gives athletes a way to do recovery right. Just 5 minutes a day of “working in” can prime athletes for faster, fuller recovery and higher performance.


With unprecedented access to training data and workout bragging rights on social networks, athletes are doing everything they can to “win the workout” and keep pace with the athletes around them. Every athlete knows that training brings results, but workouts are only half the equation. Workouts tear the body down. Athletes must also “work in” to gain full recovery when the body rebuilds for higher performance.


Taylor’s Work In program brings real recovery to athletes wherever they are at home or on the trail, track, field, or court. Work In techniques can be performed anywhere with minimal or no props and can be easily incorporated into any training plan. Work In offers


· Low time commitment just 5 minutes a day to fully integrate recovery into training


· A 28-day recovery plan to introduce meditation and restorative yoga


· 11 meditations for athletes and 3 visualizations for brain training and mental focus


· 27 poses and 4 restorative yoga routines for physical relaxation


· Tips to get started and prompts to stay engaged


Erin Taylor’s Work In will help athletes balance working out with working in so they can close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.


HIT RESET offers athletes new ways to find more speed, power, and endurance. Yoga coach Erin Taylor’s HIT RESET program uses yoga to solve the specific problems you face as an athlete. Her revolutionary approach to yoga can improve functional strength, flexibility, muscle recruitment, breathing and focus, core strength, and durability.


HIT RESET starts by defining 10 problems that hold athletes back and the yoga solutions that can fix them. Each chapter shows you how your body should work, how to self-diagnose flaws in your movement and functional strength, and how to apply just a few specific yoga poses so you can “hit reset” and get back to athletic form. The yoga solutions in HIT RESET take just a few minutes before or after your workout, and you won’t need a mat or studio classes.


Armed with these key, highly effective yoga fixes, you’ll begin a radical redefinition of balance that can make you a healthier, stronger, and faster athlete.


HIT RESET can help you solve:


  • Imbalances that lead to injury by redefining balance from head to toe
  • Feeling easily winded with deep breathing exercises
  • Feeling distracted or nervous with focus exercises
  • Poor posture with core activating and strengthening poses
  • Sleepy feet and stiff calves for a stronger foundation
  • Knee pain with better form and strength poses
  • Stiff hamstrings and sleepy glutes with activation exercises
  • Unstable hips and IT band problems with hip helpers
  • Stiff shoulders and sides with opening poses


Yoga can help you in your sport, but only if your yoga is solving the problems you face as an athlete. HIT RESET offers a yoga revolution for athletes by making yoga work for you. Join the HIT RESET revolution and you’ll find a no-nonsense approach that will make you a stronger, more resilient athlete.


Natural Running is the middle ground runners have been looking for. By learning to run the barefoot way, while wearing shoes, runners will become more efficient, stronger, and healthier runners. Backed by studies at MIT and Harvard, running form and injury expert Danny Abshire presents the natural running technique, form drills, and an 8-week transition plan that will put runners on the path to faster, more efficient, and healthier running.


In Natural Running, Abshire explains how modern running shoes distort the efficient running technique that humans evolved over thousands of years. He reviews the history of running shoes and injuries, making the case for barefoot running but also warning about its dangers. By learning the natural running technique, runners can enjoy both worlds: comfortable feet, knees, and legs and an efficient running form that reduces impact and injuries.


Natural Running teaches runners to think about injuries as symptoms of poor running form. Abshire specifies the overuse injuries that are most commonly associated with particular body alignment problems, foot types, and form flaws. Runners will learn how to analyze and identify their own characteristics so they can start down the path to natural running.


Abshire explains the natural running technique, describing the posture, arm carriage, cadence, and land-lever-lift foot positioning that mimic the barefoot running style. Using Abshire’s 8-week transition plan and a tool kit of strength and form drills, runners will move from heel striking to a midfoot or forefoot strike.


Natural Running is the newest way to run and also the oldest. By discovering how they were meant to run, runners will become more efficient, stronger, and healthier runners.

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