Joe Friel is the world’s most trusted triathlon coach and his friendly guide, Your First Triathlon, will get you ready for your first sprint or Olympic triathlon feeling strong, confident, and ready for the challenge.
Friel has helped hundreds of thousands of people to enjoy the challenges of triathlon with his clear and comprehensive TrainingBible method. Your First Triathlon simplifies all the principles of Friel’s training approach for newcomers who want a simple, no-nonsense way to train for triathlon. The practical triathlon training plans in Your First Triathlon take fewer than 5 hours a week and will build the fitness and confidence you need to enjoy your first event.
Your First Triathlon offers a 12-week training plan for total beginners as well as custom plans for athletes who have some experience in running, cycling, or swimming. Each triathlon training schedule includes realistic swimming, biking, and running workouts with options to add strength workouts. These simple plans will build anyone into a triathlete.
Friel simplifies your triathlon race day with smart tips to navigate your race packet pickup, set up your transition area, fuel for your race, finish your swim without stress or fear, and ensure your race goes smoothly from the moment you wake up until you cross the finish line.
Triathlon is a fun and challenging sport that can help you get fit, healthy, and feeling great. Your First Triathlon will help you get off to a great start in the swim-bike-run sport.
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Comprehensive training programs from a tri professional to help YOU finish your first - or fastest -...
The Triathlete’s Training Bible is the bestselling and most comprehensive guide for aspiring and ...
Triathlon Swimming reveals the rewarding and rigorous Tower 26 program for mastering open-water ...
The Triathlete Guide to Sprint and Olympic Triathlon Racing will help you discover the speed, ...
In Run Like a Champion, one of America’s most versatile and accomplished runners, Alan Culpepper, ...
RUN WITH POWER is the groundbreaking guide you need to tap the true potential of your running power ...
Training and Racing with a Power Meter brings the advanced power-based training techniques of elite ...
What would you do if half your town caught triathlon mania? If you’re like Alicia DiFabioa...
First-ever guide to America's hot new fitness challenge — hardcore, extreme obstacle courses...
A comprehensive program to take anyone from the sofa to the finish line in under two months ...
A complete and easy-to-follow guide for inspiring every athlete with the proven power of growth ...
Ultramarathons don’t leave much room for mistakes. Don’t learn the hard way: get a jump on ...
In Running Rewired, America’s leading endurance sports physical therapist and coach shares a ...
A revolutionary program for developing a toned, muscular body while maximizing athletic ability...
Comprehensive training programs from a tri professional to help YOU finish your first - or fastest -...
The Triathlete’s Training Bible is the bestselling and most comprehensive guide for aspiring and ...
Triathlon Swimming reveals the rewarding and rigorous Tower 26 program for mastering open-water ...
The Triathlete Guide to Sprint and Olympic Triathlon Racing will help you discover the speed, ...
In Run Like a Champion, one of America’s most versatile and accomplished runners, Alan Culpepper, ...
RUN WITH POWER is the groundbreaking guide you need to tap the true potential of your running power ...
Training and Racing with a Power Meter brings the advanced power-based training techniques of elite ...
What would you do if half your town caught triathlon mania? If you’re like Alicia DiFabioa...
First-ever guide to America's hot new fitness challenge — hardcore, extreme obstacle courses...
A comprehensive program to take anyone from the sofa to the finish line in under two months ...
A complete and easy-to-follow guide for inspiring every athlete with the proven power of growth ...
Ultramarathons don’t leave much room for mistakes. Don’t learn the hard way: get a jump on ...
In Running Rewired, America’s leading endurance sports physical therapist and coach shares a ...
A revolutionary program for developing a toned, muscular body while maximizing athletic ability...
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...