Keto Bowls

Keeping up with ketosis has never been easier, with these build-your-own superfood bowls for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Find out how easy, satisfying, and delicious your ketogenic diet can be with 50 recipes created for the bowl. The perfectly balanced, plentiful, and wholesome bowls make keto meal prep incredibly fast while offering

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What is the Ketogenic Diet?

This article was adapted from the bestselling book The Ketogenic Diet by Kristen Mancinelli MS, RD

The ketogenic diet has gotten a lot of criticism over the years for being a diet where you basically eat bacon and butter all day long. “Even if you do lose weight,” people say, “that just seems unhealthy!” It is unhealthy! And it’s not a smart way to go about a ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet consists of a mix of high-quality fats and protein foods, like avocado, chicken, salmon, almonds, and olive oil, as well as non-starchy, vitamin-rich vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, and mushrooms. So-called indulgences, like red meat, fullfat cheese, and egg yolks, are also allowed. The diet eliminates sugar, flour, starch, fried foods, sweetened beverages, and low-quality processed foods. This last part shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone familiar with nutrition: try losing weight while eating sugary, floury, fried foods! It’s not a winning strategy.


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