Overcome damaging behavior habits, conquer negative thought patterns, and learn to thrive in life.
Constantly backsliding when it comes to healthy eating? Putting off deadlines until the last minute? Even when you’re committed to making change, sometimes it feels as if you are always in your own way.
When your attitude and actions create problems in daily life and interfere with long-standing goals, they are called self-sabotage behaviors. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors include procrastination, comfort eating, and self-medication with drugs or alcohol. The Self-Sabotage Behavior Workbook is a game changer for those struggling with counter-productive and damaging habits. This friendly guide includes:
Readers will come away with a new ability to process and accept their emotions and an understanding of how to live a confident and empowered life.
Dr. Candice Seti is committed to helping others achieve health and wellness while gaining self-confidence and ending their perceived dependence on diets! Dr. Seti maintains a very busy private practice in San Diego, California where she works one-on-one with individuals, helping them understand their maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns while replacing them with a healthier perspective that allows them to overcome self-sabotage and thrive in their lives. She also offers services online via video counseling as well as provides numerous do-it-yourself programs addressing weight loss, binge eating, insomnia, and specialty populations like those dealing with PCOS and menopause.
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