An interactive workbook to help empaths understand, reflect, and harness their unique powers.
Empaths are people who are highly sensitive to the emotions and energy of people around them, making it a challenge to navigate in a hectic and emotional world. Whether it is to help others, curb social anxiety, or just get through the day, the strategies and exercises in this interactive workbook will help empaths everywhere understand how this intuitive gift works and how to embrace it.
This book is filled with engaging and thought-provoking activities that will help empaths work towards a variety of life-changing accomplishments including disengaging from negative people and situations, discovering inner emotional balance, promoting positive energy and much more.
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Through intuitive work and soul coaching, Stephanie is committed to helping others connect with spirit and ultimately themselves as they heal trauma, karmic patterns & conditioned beliefs that keep them from living in alignment with the abundance they are truly worthy of.
Stephanie is a two time author, medium, speaker and soul coach who has recently been featured on networks such as Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire.
Stephanie is passionate about transformation. She enjoys helping others bridge the gap between logic and intuition as they unlearn and begin to courageously honor and align with their heart wisdom.
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Experience the life-changing magic of self-love! It’s easy to look in the mirror and say you love yourself, but infinitely harder to truly believe it deep in your soul. Luckily, this helpful, step-by-step workbook guides you along a path to that place of true acceptance and self-love. And when you reach it, the contentment, happiness and
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Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...
Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...