Perfect for trivia junkies everywhere, this new collection answers age-old curiosities that will surprise readers with fascinating answers. Why do mosquitoes like some people more than others? Do plants feel pain? Do sharks really have to keep swimming to stay alive? Why are some parts of the body more ticklish than others?
Born in Australia in 1972, Andrew Thompson lived in London, England for 12 years where he practiced law, before embarking on a three year world tour that took him to 38 countries, including all of the habitable continents.
Andrew has written eight bestselling trivia books, Why Skies are Blue and Parrots Talk, Why Do Kamikaze Pilots Wear Helmets?, What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?, Can Holding in a Fart Kill You?, Hair of the Dog to Paint the Town Red, Why Do Roller Coasters Make You Puke?, Why Does Bright Light Make You Sneeze?, and Spiders, Clowns, and Great Mole Rats, as well as the novel The Hemingway Solution, the travel memoir Dog Days, and a book about misused words The Suppository of all Wisdom.
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