Custom-designed recipes for making delicious “veggie noodle” dishes with the popular and ingenious new kitchen tool—the veggie spiralizer
From spaghetti with meatballs to chicken carbonara, everyone loves a hearty pasta dish. But for people avoiding gluten, cutting carbs, or eating paleo, these favorite dinners have been off the menu. Until now! Using the handy and affordable spiral slicer, home chefs can quickly and effortlessly turn a wide range of vegetables into the “veggie noodles” needed for this book’s amazing variety of delicious pasta-free dishes. Including over 50 paleo and gluten-free recipes, the author has masterfully developed each recipe to capture the flavor of traditional Italian, Asian, and American favorites while incorporating nutritious, low-GI spirals. These mouth-watering dishes are ideal for anyone looking to sneak a healthy serving of veggies into their favorite meals. In less than two minutes the spiralizer provides enough zucchini (or butternut squash, plantain, cucumber, or any other favorite!) noodles for an entire family dinner. Flavorful pad thai, honey mustard apple slaw, zesty curly fries, and spicy Mexican plantain rice and beans are just some of the creative recipes included in this book. Whether the goal is to eat healthier, cut out gluten, or drop some pounds, now anyone can indulge in their favorite dishes with none of the guilt.
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