A straightforward program for mastering the “unstable weights” that are changing the face of strength training.
Shaped like a teakettle but heavy as a classic dumbbell, kettlebells are the most challenging and versatile training tools in today’s exercise market. The Ultimate Kettlebells Workbook shows you how to tap the power of these revolutionary weights to reshape your whole body by employing stabilizing muscles rarely activated by standard gym dumbbells. Progressing from basic lifts with light bells to advanced, multistep exercises that strengthen often-ignored muscles like the forearms, lats, and quads, the author systematically introduces exercises that efficiently strengthen every section of the body.
Dave Randolph is the owner of IronBody Fitness, a small fitness center specializing in kettlebell training for general fitness, fat loss and strength and conditioning for people from all walks of life. Dave has been training with and teaching kettlebells since September of 2002 and has trained and taught with some of most well-known instructors in the business. Dave is also a 6th degree Associate Master in Shaolin Do kung fu (having studied the art for over 20 years).
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