Make it out of the pit stop, get your engines ready, and celebrate all things F1 by learning about the world’s legendary drivers like Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, and renowned teams like Ferrari, Mercedes, McLaren, and Williams.</strong?
Whether you are a lifelong Formula 1 fan or just starting to enjoy the adrenaline-filled motor sport, this book is the perfect companion. With The Ultimate Formula 1 Trivia Book, you can learn all about the famous circuits and their races, including life-changing accidents as well as the manufacturing and development of the fastest cars. You’ll find the answer to the most burning questions regarding the sport, including:
Additionally, you’ll get all the extra facts about legendary drivers like Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen and some insights on the world’s renowned teams like Ferrari, McLaren, and Williams.
Berni Johnson began her career as an author at age six when she crayoned a book about her mom that received a rave review from its lone reader. She surrounds herself with pens, paper, and other writing paraphernalia with an IT job, and spends her free time writing both fiction and nonfiction, researching a wide range of topics, voraciously consuming TV and movies, mindlessly surfing the internet, and doing the bidding of her terrier.
Berni holds a BA in English literature and an MA in English with a concentration in humanities computing. But her pup cares not for her stuffy credentials and prizes her treat-giving abilities above all. You can read Berni’s blog and find links to her work at
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