Go beyond the stereotypes of mercury retrograde and dig deep into the planetary cycles, discovering how they can affect your everyday life from day to day and year to year.
Every planet except Earth goes into retrograde at some point, and each planet has its own bundle of joys and pain points that come with it. The Retrograde Guidebook aims to take the mystery out of planetary retrogrades, providing an overview of what retrograde means astrologically and its basic principles. It offers a breakdown of every planetary retrograde’s function and effects—and why three main celestial bodies, the Earth, sun, and moon, don’t ever go into retrograde.
The Retrograde Guidebook includes calendars through 2030. These calendars include the dates each planet goes into and out of retrograde, and the astrological signs each planet is leaving and entering. Don’t get caught unawares—with all the information this guidebook arms you with, you’ll never fear a retrograde again!
Jennifer Billock is an award-winning writer, bestselling author, and writing coach. She has written for The New York Times, Smithsonian, The Atlantic, Playboy, Good Housekeeping, Wired, and more. She is the author of two cookbooks and five history books, and edits the Kitchen Witch newsletter.
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