Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Using the Revolutionary New Approach of Protein Pacing
Protein pacing is the proven new technique of eating low-carb, high-protein meals at specifically spaced intervals in order to keep your metabolism running at a high rate. Done right, it super charges the way your body processes food and helps you to lose weight and build muscle, while ridding your body of toxins. In this first ever book on protein pacing, author Nicole Dvorak details how the diet changes your body function and why it produces such amazing results. More importantly, she breaks down how to follow the diet and offers a quick-start program so you can start protein pacing today.
Timing your protein intake helps build muscle when paired with exercise, and it also helps maintain musculature during weight loss. The best part is, you can do these things without restricting your calorie intake. A high-protein diet consumed at specific intervals throughout the day is proven to help you achieve the results you want, like burning body fat, losing weight, and maintaining lean, strong muscles.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
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