Start your metal detecting journey or improve your treasure-hunting skills with this expert guide that teaches you everything from choosing between VLF, pulse induction, full band, or zero-voltage transmission detectors to identifying rare finds.
Nothing is as thrilling as finding cool (and often valuable) stuff right under your feet. The Metal Detecting Bible, 2nd Edition serves up step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and useful photos that can turn you into a professional treasure hunter in no time.
From quick-start tips for novices to insider secrets for the most experienced hobbyists, this hands-on guide is the ultimate resource on all aspects of metal detecting. Now, in this fully-updated edition, make your search even more successful and exciting with the latest information on:
So grab this guide and get ready to dig up more fascinating finds!
Brandon Neice was raised in the historically rich, gold-bearing area of California’s Placer County. At a young age, he became interested in gold prospecting and treasure hunting. Brandon’s father, an experienced recreational prospector and avid outdoorsman, facilitated his interest by taking him on outdoor adventures throughout the northwestern US. Later in life, Brandon moved to Idaho, where he met a friend who was using metal detectors to find gold nuggets.
Brandon purchased his first metal detector in 2003 and began searching for treasures near and far. Since then, he has traveled the world unearthing rare and valuable metals of all sorts—from coins and relics dating to 50 B.C. to gold nuggets and meteorites from space. He’s gained millions of views on his YouTube channel, DrTones24K, that follows him and a team of detecting experts on their treasure hunting adventures. Brandon has also assisted archaeologists in locating items of interest on historic properties, such as James Madison’s Montpelier estate.
Some of his most accomplished finds include a 1901 S Barber Quarter (considered to be one of the rarest US silver coins produced in the 20th century), a 50 B.C. Celtic gold stater, and a rare Norman-era ceremonial mount with golden laced surfaces and enameled crucifix design.
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