Skip the late night lesson planning and start stretching your student’s minds with this practical, ready-to-use companion to the popular The Growth Mindset Coach series.
Thanks to revolutionary power of growth mindsets, teachers everywhere have been helping their students realize their boundless potential. However, with busy schedules and crowded classes, infusing growth mindset principles into your lessons every day is sometimes easier said than done. From the bestselling authors of The Growth Mindset Coach, this new book makes implementing mindset strategies easier than ever before.
With over 50 ready-to-use resources all focused on fostering growth mindsets, The Growth Mindset Classroom-Ready Resource Book, is your new go-to teaching assistant. These resilience- and grit-building ideas include:
-Interactive lesson plans
-Creative conversation starters
-Mindful reflection exercises
-Classroom management strategies
A perfect supplement for any teacher looking for additional support in banishing fixed mindsets and instill a growth mindset culture in their classroom.
Annie Brock is a K-12 innovation specialist, director of library services, and high school speech and debate coach in Holton, Kansas. Annie is the author of five books on education, including the bestselling Growth Mindset Coach. She is a former secondary English Teacher, and frequently travels to schools and conferences to facilitate workshops with teachers and school staff. She is a graduate of Kansas State University and Washburn University. She enjoys listening to podcasts and audiobooks, hanging out at the lake, spending time with her kids, and participating in her local community theatre. Annie lives in Holton, Kansas with her husband, Jared, and their two children, Bodhi and Lila.
Heather Hundley is an elementary educator with 12 years of teaching experience. She currently serves as a kindergarten teacher in Kansas. Heather has an elementary education degree from Washburn University and master’s degrees in education and in school leadership from Baker University. She has served as a supervisor for pre-service teachers and as a guest lecturer with Washburn University. Heather was recently nominated for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
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