Create your own story as you make your way through this wordless picture book about how to handle big feelings and emotions like anxiety, grief, and fear, perfect for children ages three to five.
The main character of The Cloud discovers one day that he’s being followed…by a cloud! It starts out small, but soon it grows and grows until all of a sudden, the boy is swallowed up by it. When things seem to be at their worst and the cloud bursts into a rainstorm, the boy is able to summon up his resilience and use it to deal with the cloud in a positive way.
This book has no words, providing parents and kids with the opportunity to interact with the illustrations and interpret the story in the way that they want. From dealing with a loss in the family or hard-to-handle emotions like fear and anxiety, readers will be able to create a story that relates back to their own circumstances and will also be able to talk about solutions that make the most sense for them. Discover examples at!
Angelo Ruta is a set designer and editorial illustrator. He has been collaborating with important Italian and foreign publishers for many years. In addition to books, he applies illustration to communication, advertising, furnishings, theatrical performances, and films. He regularly publishes in “La Lettura,” the cultural insert of the Corriere della Sera. In 2020, his silent book La valigia won the Books Against Hunger award.
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