An all-in-one guide to improving flexibility using the simple and highly effective stretch strap
Easy to use and inexpensive, the stretch strap is the ultimate at-home tool for improving range of motion for any part of the body. From ankle to neck, this book offers targeted exercises that unleash the power of the stretch strap to increase muscle and tendon elasticity and heal common injuries.
A band lined with multiple loops to allow a spectrum of different static and dynamic possibilities, the stretch strap is a staple among trainers and physical therapists. This guide brings the benefits of a stretch strap routine right into the your living room with 100 exercises to target their personal fitness or rehab goals.
Strength and conditioning specialist Mark Kovacs offers programs for an assortment of fitness objectives including ones designed specifically for the strength and flexibility demands of baseball, basketball, bodybuilding, cycling, soccer, track and field, and more. With The Flexible Stretching Strap Workbook, no matter what athletic abilities you have, you will learn how to improve long-term health and prevent future injuries.
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