The first all-in-one edition of P.R. Spencer’s classic penmanship work including step-by-step lessons and blank pages for practicing
In the world of email, Facebook, and texts, nothing offers a more personal touch than a beautifully handwritten letter, invitation, or thank you note. Spencerian Handwriting offers the elegant, traditional techniques that transform handwritten notes—from wedding announcements to to-do lists—into works of art. This complete guide provides you with examples and instruction for vintage handwriting, as well as a series of step-by-step practice pages so you can master perfect cursive.
Spencerian penmanship was the standard for handwriting in the 1800s, used for all correspondence and taught to schoolchildren for more than a century. This combination primer and workbook is the first edition to include all of P.R. Spencer’s instruction and workbooks in one volume. It also includes a bonus penmanship text, Penmanship Made Easy by George Bickham, for readers who want to tackle more advanced lettering and calligraphy.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
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Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...