Everyone’s had that one roommate who habitually leaves a stack of dishes in the sink, the annoying coworker who sends a torrent of pointless e-mails throughout the day, or the inconsiderate neighbors who stomp around on the ceiling like they’ve got lead blocks for feet. But, seriously, who wants to be the one to go call them out in face-to-face confrontation? Fear not! Seriously?! has the answer. This pack solves every obnoxious situation with 20 tear-out cards delivering devastatingly snarky, funny, and downright passive-aggressive notes, reminders, and slams to give to people who just don’t see how far over the line they’ve gone. There are simple, straightforward cards to give that coworker, like, “Congratulations, we are now enemies,” or try a sarcastic cards for the roommate—“Hey, let me introduce you to our sponge sometime.” Or a wicked zinger for the upstairs neighbors—”Maybe later you’ll let me pet your elephants? -your downstairs neighbor.”
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