A fasted-paced thriller whose characters represent the courage, honor, and commitment of a great nation
Their bond was forged in the crucible of combat. No matter what life threw at them, they were marines—ready to do anything for each other. But these four decorated veterans now have one hour to stop the unthinkable…. When a small town terrorist invasion results in a tragic death, retired Marine Master Sergeant James “Johnny” Johansen agonizes over questions whose answers threaten his loved ones, his career, and his company. The most serious question of all—is Johnny’s family linked to Islamic extremists in the United States? Johnny turns to his former brothers-in-arms, Willie, Corey, and Josh. Relying on their skills as highly-trained marines, the team uncovers a treacherous plot involving a renegade defense contractor and co-conspirators at the highest levels of US intelligence.
Risking their lives to reveal the shocking details of the operation, Johnny and his friends discover that hundreds of terrorists are poised to launch a coast-to-coast attack on American soil. Time is running out! Who can Johnny trust? No one, except….the Secret Corps.
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