Robots are Coming Cover Photo

Robots are Coming

By John Pugliano

How you can survive (and even thrive) during the artificial intelligence-powered robot takeover of the workplace
Robots are coming for your job. Regardless of your profession, degree or experience, there is no escaping the automated future. However, you can take steps today that will guarantee you not only survive, but thrive in this new economy.
The Robots Are Coming provides the first actionable guide to plan for and actually profit from these disruptive innovations. It offers an easy-to-understand overview of automation trends and explains what you need to know today to secure your future success, including how to:
• Understand potential job threats
• Develop irreplaceable skills
• Foster creative advantages
•I dentify robot-proof careers
• Spot investment opportunities
Author John Pugliano, host of the popular Wealthsteading podcast, shows how to harness the uniquely human qualities that will give you the competitive edge over automation: creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. If you want to defeat the robots, you need to have a battle plan.

Released: May 2017
Price: $14.95

ISBN-13: 978-1-61243-669-2

Trade Paper
6 x 9
224 pages


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