From Dutch tulips to credit default swaps, history proves over and over that markets are fragile, fickle machines all too prone to unexpected breakdown. With strategies for inventive and intelligent alternative investments, The Prepper’s Financial Guide positions forward-thinking readers for inevitable market downturns, long-term financial turmoil, and even catastrophic collapse with a disaster-proof investment strategy to ensure stability and security before, during, and beyond a marketplace meltdown.
This straight-talking guide breaks down complex, disaster-proof investments that help readers ensure their long-term financial stability and current peace of mind. Instead of stocking paper money, expert prepper Jim Cobb offers an approach based on slowly stockpiling items that will maintain their value far beyond the end of the dollar, including precious metals, gold and silver coins, and barter-worthy survival tools and food items.
Using careful historical research — including in-depth looks at the Great Depression, Argentina’s economic collapse of 1998, and the Great Recession of 2008 — Cobb identifies commodities that have maintained their value through epic market crashes. Featuring step-by-step and month-by-month investment guides, this essential handbook also includes information on building small, off-the-grid marketplaces where materials and goods can be exchanged and newer, smaller, stronger economies and communities can emerge during chaotic times.
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