A comprehensive guide to gun options as well as non-lethal and homemade alternatives needed for neutralizing attackers after a catastrophic collapse
A massive disaster strikes. Civilization breaks down and with it goes the thin blue line of police protection. Days or even weeks pass before the National Guard arrives to protect law-abiding citizens. In the mean time, it’s every man, woman, and family for themselves. Having self-sufficient means for protecting your family at this critical moment is essential. Thankfully, Prepper’s Armed Defense details exactly how to achieve this high level of life-saving readiness. Opening with a survey of firearm options including handguns, rifles, and shotguns, Prepper’s Armed Defense is the ultimate resource for deciding on your most powerful tool for protection. However, the author goes further with details on becoming an expert marksman, tips on maximizing a gun’s usefulness for defensive purposes, as well as helpful advice on safely stockpiling and fully utilizing ammunition. Far more than a gun guide, Prepper’s Armed Defense is the most comprehensive, no-holds-barred guide to all type of weapons, including knives and other edged weapons; non-lethal weapons like pepper spray, tasers and stun guns; plus last-minute improvised weapons made from common household items.
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