Conquer your anxiety with proven techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) exercises designed to stop panic attacks before they even begin.
The effects of anxiety and panic attacks interfere with the daily lives of millions of people every year. This practical workbook full of proven strategies and helpful advice on how to beat your anxiety is here to help you reclaim your life.
Author and clinical psychologist David Carbonell, PhD, uses his extensive clinical experience to help you understand the true nature of your panic attacks, including the vicious cycle of habitual responses that lead to debilitating attacks, how you can halt this self-destructive process, and the many ways you can start on a step-by step journey that promotes recovery. Inside you’ll also find helpful cognitive behavioral therapy methods for conquering your panic attacks, including:
Now you can regain all of the freedoms you enjoyed before panic invaded your life with the research-backed charts, worksheets, and programs featured in Panic Attacks Workbook.
David Carbonell, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in treating anxiety. He is the author of four self-help books: Panic Attacks Workbook, The Worry Trick, Fear of Flying Workbook, and Outsmart Your Anxious Brain: 10 Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick. He has taught workshops on the treatment of anxiety disorders to more than 10,000 therapists in the U.S. and abroad and maintains a popular self-help website at In his spare time, he is the founding member of The Therapy Players, an improvisational comedy troupe of professional psychotherapists in Chicago.
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