How to think and act like a special ops warrior when facing intense, pivotal moments
Special ops soldiers know that the best way to develop mental toughness is to confront fearful obstacles and undergo strain so incredible that the only thing that keeps them moving forward is a clear and resolute mind. Includes detailed information and 300 black-and-white illustrations, Military Mental Toughness explains the way this training changes your thinking. It also offers a program that allows you to put yourself to the test so that you will be ready for life’s critical moments. From problem solving and negotiating deals to escape planning and resisting Stockholm Syndrome, the skills in Mental Toughness prepare you for any situation. Featuring strategies used by top branches of the military, this is the ultimate guide to training, preparing, and thinking like an elite operative. Physical strength can only go so far: eventually mental perseverance must take over. With Military Mental Toughness, you will develop the skills to put mind over matter and overcome any obstacle. This type of perseverance is critical for developing the focused and effective action needed when the stakes are high.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
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Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...