Make learning fun and help your student master math with these parent- and teacher-friendly games and activities designed for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
An excellent resource for teachers and parents, Math Fluency Activities for K–2 Teachers makes learning basic math facts and number sense a breeze. This book helps students in grades K–2 meet current math fluency standards for their age group. Beyond teaching speed, accuracy, and memorization, this book focuses on getting students to apply math in a variety of real-life situations. Inside you’ll find:
Ideal for reteaching, at-home practice, or general class time, Math Fluency Activities for K–2 Teachers is the ultimate tool for helping kids achieve math success!
Nancy Hughes spent the last 10 years as the K–12 mathematics coordinator at Olathe Public Schools, the largest school district in the Kansas City region, where her responsibilities included providing professional development for mathematics teachers in all grade levels. Prior to Olathe, Hughes taught middle school math in Kansas City area public and private schools. Hughes has presented on math topics at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Kansas City Area Teachers of Mathematics, and Kansas Area Teachers of Mathematics conferences. Hughes also directed the Kauffman Foundation K–16 Professional Development Program. Hughes has a BS from Kansas State University and an MS in curriculum and instruction from Kansas University.
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