Transform vintage mason jars into imaginative homemade crafts that are both beautiful and functional
Mason jars have exploded in popularity. These timeless glass containers are simple, elegant and versatile. You can use them for so much more than just storing jam. This book provides you with over 45 innovative ideas that you’ve been craving, from hanging chandeliers and salt and pepper shakers to soap dispensers and terrariums.
The author provides easy-to-follow instructions and over 150 step-by-step photos so you can quickly fashion inexpensive and stylish solutions for just about anything.
Organize clutter with…
Create outdoor lighting, such as…
And make unique gifts, like…
Mason jars are also great decorative items for parties, whether the celebration is a child’s birthday or a wedding. You can incorporate supplies like lace, twine, paint chips, hot glue and spray paint into stunning centerpieces, unique table tops and artistic vases. After only the first project, you’ll never see ye olde mason jar in the same way again.
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