Crazy-but-true facts, peculiar occurrences, despicable crimes, bizarre records, unbelievable creatures, and many more shocking oddities
Delving into the shocking side of pop culture, science, and history,’s Epic Book of Mind-Boggling Lists offers a wealth of fascinating reading with over 200 lists and more than 2,000 interesting facts. Movie buffs will be surprised by the list of crazy movie plots that actually happened in real life and the top-ten films that accurately predicted the future. Celebrity gawkers will do a double take at the list of famous people with secret physical deformities as well as the numerous celebs who have killed someone. Music fans will be set straight by the list of rock ‘n’ roll urban legends that never happened, and literary buffs will cringe at the greatest writers who had crippling drug addictions. List after amazing list will keep readers enthralled, revealing the many entertaining aspects of this wonderful world: strange Civil War weapons, stupid criminals who were captured after butt-dialed the police, bizarre things you can buy from vending machines, and even sex toys with ridiculously ancient origins.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
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