Discover the teachings of Jesus and Buddha with over 100 examples presented side by side to reveal striking similarities, a perfect book for anyone interested in Christianity, Buddhism, mindfulness, meditation, and all ways of seeking enlightenment.
This stunning collection is perfect for those curious about the influential teachers, Jesus and Buddha, and their lessons of peace, love, patience, and kindness. Witness as two of the most holy beings meet in a thought-provoking encounter of the spirit.
Compare the Bible verse: “Jesus knew all people and needed no one to testify about anyone; for he himself knew what was in everyone” (John 2.24-25) to the Buddhist scripture: “He was expert in knowing the thoughts and actions of living beings” (Vimalakirtinirdesha Sutra 2).
Jesus and Buddha is a timeless testament to what makes us similar rather than different. This enlightening book also makes a great gift.
Author of the best-selling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, the celebrated scholar of Christianity, Marcus Borg, lived in Portland, Oregon. He died in 2015.
Jack Kornfield is the author of the best-selling Buddha’s Little Instruction Book. He lives in Woodacre, California.
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A go-to guide for conquering the obstacles of modern college life using timeless Buddhist principles...
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Dramatically discovered in Egypt in 1945 after being lost for 1,600 years, the Gospel of Thomas ...
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