Comprehensive resistance band program for recovering from injury and staying pain-free and healthy
The ultimate tool for getting in shape or recovering from a painful setback, the resistance band is inexpensive, effective, and portable. With this simple device, readers can rehabilitate injuries on any party of the body— all from the comfort of home. Injury Rehab with Resistance Bands offers 100 safe and easy exercises that teach readers of all fitness levels how to target the body’s trouble spots and recover quickly and safely.
Divided into targeted chapters that each address a specific body part—including ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, neck, and more—this wide-reaching workbook offers detailed anatomical information and matching exercises to help readers, regardless of where they are injured.
The resistance band is the perfect tool for rehab since it’s light, easy to adjust, and adds resistance in multiple directions—something free weights and machines cannot do. Whether trying to reduce pain, transform troublesome muscles, or get back in the game, Injury Rehab with Resistance Bands provides the most comprehensive rehab plan for any injury.
Dr. Karl Knopf, or Dr. Karl, as his students used to call him, has been involved in the health and fitness of older adults and the disabled for over 40 years. During this time he has worked in almost every aspect of the industry, from personal training and therapy to consultation.
While at Foothill College, Karl was the coordinator of the Adaptive Fitness Technician Program and Life Long Learning Institute. He taught disabled students and undergraduates about corrective exercise. In addition to teaching, Karl developed the “Fitness Educators of Older Adults Association” to guide trainers of older adults. Currently Karl is a director at the International Sports Science Association and is on the advisor board of PBS’s Sit and Be Fit show.
In his spare time he has spoken at conferences, authored many articles, and written numerous books on topics ranging from water workouts to fitness therapy. He was a frequent guest on both radio and print media on issues pertaining to senior fitness and the disabled.
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