Slay movie night with frighteningly delicious food and cocktail creations inspired by your favorite scary movies, perfect for fans of spooky season and movie buffs alike!
If you’re looking for kitschy Pinterest recipes like coffin-shaped cookies or zombie finger sandwiches, look elsewhere. With The Horror Movie Night Cookbook, you’ll enjoy thoughtful and tasty food and cocktail pairings inspired by the actual content of chilling classics like Jaws, Psycho, Scream, The Conjuring, The Evil Dead, Halloween, and more of horror’s most frightening favorites! Inside you’ll find recipes like:
This killer cookbook contains everything you’ll need to be the star of your own horror-themed dinner party. So to quote a famous final girl, “What are you waiting for?”
Richard S. Sargent was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. Some of his earliest memories are sitting in front of the TV after school, watching reruns of Chiller Theater with his mom. You can blame her for his obsession with horror films. He is an award-winning actor, director, producer, playwright and filmmaker. You can find some of his short plays published on Amazon via Left Coast Publishing. His short film, “Meat,” was released in the horror anthology World of Death. It is a subtle exploration into the mind of a vegan. LOL JK. It’s torture porn with bacon. He has always been interested in creative cooking. Most of his day jobs were in restaurants and on food trucks. After taking a few cooking classes, he decided doing it for a living would take all of the fun out of it. He decided to find a new way to keep cooking fun: The Horror Movie Night Cookbook! When he isn’t doing theatre or cooking for his friends or watching horror films, he is performing with the band he created with his husband, The Green Winter. You can listen to their music on iTunes and Spotify. Follow Richard on Facebook and Instagram to see what’s coming next.
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