Why is homemade pie better than store-bought? Because it is made with love, special care and personal attention. Betty Brogaard’s atheism is just like that. She knows that life without faith is not only intellectually justified, it is emotionally fulfilling. Betty’s story is proof that atheism leads not just to truth, but to happiness.
–Dan Barker, author of Godless
This outstanding volume progresses magnificently along two beautifully interwoven lines–a personal story and the scientific method.
–David Mills, author of Atheist Universe
Betty Brogaard was raised to be a good Christian. By the time she was 20 years old, she had joined a fundamentalist church. She even met and married a young man who became a minister in the congregation. However, the more she came to understand Christianity from within, the more she found herself asking questions instead of finding answers.
In The Homemade Atheists, Betty shares her sincere, personal and fascinating journey from the mental slavery of religion to the happiness she found in freethought. Along the way and without malice, she offers questions that challenge you to analyze your own beliefs–exactly as she did over a peroid of many years.
Her transformation provides a wealth of insight is for anyone seeking a path to a nonreligious way of life.
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