Simplify meal time with these one-dish recipes for tasty breakfasts, flavor-packed lunches, and no-mess dump dinners on your grill!
Make outdoor cooking even easier with a simple, everyday household item: aluminum foil. Simply combine the ingredients into a foil packet and then toss it on your trusty grill. Before you know it, the entire family will be enjoying a delicious and satisfying meal (not to mention, cleanup is a snap!). Perfect for weeknight cooking and even easier to make ahead, this book includes mouthwatering recipes like:
Perfect for any type of grill or even over an open campfire, Grilling with Foil Packets offers tips and tricks you need to master foil packet cooking.
Cyndi Allison has been grilling and smoking since she was 12 years old. She started her blog, Barbecue Master, so that she could share recipes, tips, and reviews with family and friends. The blog gathered a following, and Cyndi began writing about outdoor cooking for a wider audience. When Cyndi is not grilling, she enjoys water sports, photography, and reading.
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