All the Hilarious Need-to-know Info for Soon-to-Be College Freshmen
College! It’s one of the most amazing experiences life has to offer. But what actually happens there? How do you make the most of four transforming years? What should you expect? And what the heck is a roommate? This book answers the most pressing questions that college-bound high school graduates probably never think to ask. Like: Why should I get to my dorm room early on Day 1? Or is it really a bad idea if I major in archaeology? And how does one use a “washing machine”?
Fully illustrated by talented San Francisco-based artist, Emily Fromm, this book has all the advice and information that every college grad wishes they had gotten before freshman year started.
Keith Riegert is the publisher of the independent publishing house, Ulysses Press, and an adjunct professor in the masters of publishing at New York University. He is the author of nine books including Goodnight Dorm Room, The Wright Brother Photographs, and Professor Jonathan T. Buck’s Mysterious Airship Notebook. He lives in Long Island City, New York.
Sam Kaplan is an author, editor, satirist, comedian, and therapist living in Oakland, California. He believes in the saying, “laughter is the greatest cure for not laughing.”
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