A revolutionary program for developing a toned, muscular body while maximizing athletic ability
Embracing a spectrum of different workout methods, cross training is the best way to produce a fit, slender body while achieving peak overall fitness. Functional Cross Training is a step-by-step guide that brings together this wide range of cutting-edge techniques, including plyometrics, intense circuit training, weight lifting, and gym-free body-weight exercises. The results are astounding—dramatically increased power, incredible endurance, packed-on lean muscle mass, and greatly reduced body fat. Whether the goal is dropping a little extra weight, shaving minutes off a marathon time, or build core strength for a more powerful tennis serve, Functional Cross Training is the workout partner that will push readers to their full potential. In addition to these revolutionary day-by-day workouts, this illustrated guide delivers over 100 unique exercises, complete with step-by-step photos that enable readers to transform their bodies and perform like they never thought possible.
Brett Stewart is a personal trainer and author of fitness books like Ultimate Obstacle Race Training, Functional Cross Training and 7 Weeks to 50 Pull-Ups. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
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