100 step-by-step exercise photos and 100 color anatomy illustrations combine to create a helpful, informative guide for maximizing your strength training results
Whether you are trying to build huge muscles or sculpting a slim, toned physique, the key to getting the body of your dreams is knowing the right muscles to work. Freeweight Training Anatomyhighlights the exact muscles being toned, strengthened and stretched in a range of workouts. Step-by-step photos are combined with anatomically correct muscle diagrams showing what’s being flexed, stretched and worked.
Fitness trainer and author Ryan George employs barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, medicine balls and even bodyweight training exercises to target every possible muscle on the body. By using the exercises and annotated illustrations, it’s simple to put together a personalized, targeted workout routine for every goal—including building the entire body, rehabbing specific areas or focusing on toning the muscles required for a specific sport. Thanks to the quick-reference muscle illustrations, readers will also learn proper form, ensuring that they’ll make rapid gains while remaining injury free.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
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