Forza The Samurai Sword Workout Cover Photo

Forza The Samurai Sword Workout

By Ilaria Montagnani

Readers tired of the same old workout moves can grab a sword (a broomstick and some imagination will do!) and slice, chop, and thrust their way into great shape. In Forza The Samurai Sword Workout, top New York trainer Ilaria Montagnani transforms ancient Japanese sword fighting techniques from kendo and aikijujitsu into a supercharged fitness program.


Specially designed to work the whole body, Montagnani’s program teaches precise striking movements that shape the upper and lower body while building strength. Forza The Samurai Sword Workout is also a fantastic cardiovascular workout as various movements are strung together into movie-like, choreographed fighting sequences performed at high speed. The book includes a resource section explaining how and where to purchase various workout swords, including steel, wood, and weighted plastic.

Released: Jun 2005
Price: $16.95 US

ISBN-10: 1569754780
ISBN-13: 978-1569754788

Trade Paper
100 pages


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