Leads readers step-by-step with proven techniques that finally make it possible to conquer their fear of flying
Suffering from aviophobia, the fear of flying, doesn’t have to mean a life stuck on the ground. With the proven strategy and techniques taught in this helpful guide, even those who have avoided airplanes for years can regain their freedom to fly whenever it suits their purposes. Readers will come to understand why the fear of flying is a natural, common problem, but not an uncontrollable sign of danger.
The self-help worksheets and materials in this book will help readers respond to their fears in ways that foster recovery. Whether they suffer with extreme claustrophobia, fear of panic attacks on the plane, the anticipatory anxiety of sitting idle on a plane for hours, or a fear of crashing, this book provides powerful clinical methods for overcoming these fears and becoming better passengers who can travel whenever and wherever they want.
David Carbonell, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in treating anxiety. He is the author of four self-help books: Panic Attacks Workbook, The Worry Trick, Fear of Flying Workbook, and Outsmart Your Anxious Brain: 10 Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick. He has taught workshops on the treatment of anxiety disorders to more than 10,000 therapists in the U.S. and abroad and maintains a popular self-help website at anxietycoach.com. In his spare time, he is the founding member of The Therapy Players, an improvisational comedy troupe of professional psychotherapists in Chicago.
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