French culinary phrases, foodie terms, and cultural tips come together in the ultimate food-lover’s guide pays des délices
Everyone can tell the difference between Brie and Caembert, but few know their Valençay from Pélardon. Luckily, The Farm to Table French Phrasebook serves up the vital French expressions other guides leave off the plate. From the specialty vocabulary of chefs in gourmet restaurants to slang terms rarely heard outside a country market, here’s everything the reader needs for a gourmet tour of France (or the local bistro!).
A comprehensive language guide for food lovers, this indispensable companion also offers a fascinating history of French eats, complete with delicious facts about the cuisines of every region from Alsace’s pinot gris to Normandy’s Pot-au-feu. This compact, beautifully illustrated hardcover gift book is perfect for tucking into your knapsack for a day of sampling gourmet local specialties, or it makes a great present for the Francophile in your life.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...