Pilates is one of the fastest growing exercise trends. Now Ellie Herman, a renowned Pilates instructor and author, shows how to make Pilates more interesting and enjoyable. In this book, she introduces the reader to popular workout accessories that expand and amplify Pilates matwork exercises.
This book details each prop’s unique characteristics and explains how it can enhance Pilates in its own way: the magic circles tone arms, the small ball held between the legs shapes thighs, the foam roller stretches the chest and shoulders, and the large exercise ball builds core stability.
The author guides the reader step by step through photo sequences of specially designed exercises as well as variations on traditional Pilates movements. Each series takes full advantage of the different props’ abilities to produce results in less time and with less strain.
A bonus chapter describes the author’s Pilates Springboard, an inexpensive and space-saving variation of the classic Pilates Cadillac. This make-it-yourself piece of equipment provides the same full-body workout as large studio equipment but at a fraction of the cost.
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