Dynamic Stretching Cover Photo

Dynamic Stretching

By Mark Kovacs

Groundbreaking research has made the shocking discovery that static stretching, a traditional mainstay of athletes’ warm-ups, has a measurable negative impact on performance. Holding a stretch for 30 seconds or longer doesn’t prepare a muscle for exercise, it weakens the muscle. Already, many top athletes and trainers have abandoned static stretching in favor of dynamic stretching. Now Dynamic Stretching teaches athletes and exercise enthusiasts everything they need to know. The book explains the physiology behind this breakthrough in sports performance. Then it presents a complete catalog of dynamic stretches with detailed instructions and step-by-step photos of each sequence. Lastly, it presents dynamic stretching warm-up programs that have been carefully designed for the individual needs of athletes in 30 different sports, including running, tennis, basketball, baseball and softball, football, hockey, skiing, and many others.

Released: Dec 2009
Price: $14.95 US ($19.50 CAN)

ISBN-10: 1569757267
ISBN-13: 978-1569757260

Trade Paper
112 pages


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