Meet Dude Fiery—a fictional chef with a passion for tasty food, good deeds, and flame-printed shirts—and join him on a hilarious and charming adventure to become the leader of Taste Village in this heartfelt tribute to the world’s greatest celebrity chef.
Talented chef Dude Fiery takes the bus to Taste Village in the hopes of bringing his Giant Hot Dog Special to the nicest restaurant in town. But when Dude is turned away because of his sunglasses and “too casual” diner-inspired food, he decides to bring his taste powers to the people.
With his flavor-packed hot dogs, Dude redefines what taste really means to the locals and restaurateurs of Taste Village. Along the way, he does good deeds like supporting small businesses, officiating LGBTQIA+ weddings, and donating food to schools. The town soon learns they’ve misjudged Dude and that he is, in fact, an all-around awesome guy.
A perfect gift for Food Network devotees and celebrity chef fans, this funny book offers two very important life lessons: always follow your tastebuds and don’t judge a book by its frosted tips.
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