Learn how to draw adorable, step-by-step anime- and manga-inspired mythical creatures, including chibi mermaids, unicorns, fairies, and more with this easy-to-follow how-to-draw book!
Crack open your sketchbook, grab your pens and pencils, and get ready to turn your fantasy illustrations into kawaii (cute) and chibi (small) creatures. With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow tips and tricks, this instructional handbook will help you bring a new level of anime style to your sketches.
Start with a few familiar fantasy creatures, like a unicorn, mermaid, and dragon, before learning how to transform ancient, lesser-known creatures like the basilisk, oni (Japanese demon), and kraken into adorable chibi versions. Whether you’re a beginner or a drawing pro, Drawing Fantasy Chibi makes this fun, anime-style drawing easy, with workbook-style pages that provide a space for readers to try their hand at practicing each drawing multiple times before they master it!
Tessa Creative Art is an anime and manga illustration and design studio located in Canada.
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