Add a personal touch to your divination practice with these 78 blank tarot cards and companion guidebook, perfect for designing, drawing, and coloring your own unique Rider-Waite deck!
Choosing a tarot deck that is just right can be a difficult endeavor. Each deck has its own unique artwork, symbolism, and theme, but if it’s not the right vibe for you, your divination practices could be greatly affected.
DIY Tarot allows you to take matters into your own hands. What does The Emperor card or The Lovers card look like to you? Perhaps you view the suit of wands as a stack of books and the suit of cups as blooming flowers collecting rainwater. Each card has an illustrated backside, simple border, and label in the traditional Rider-Waite system, but you’ll have to take it from there. The possibilities are endless with these 78 blank tarot cards just waiting for you to create a one-of-a-kind deck.
Included in this deck is a helpful companion guidebook full of details on the Rider-Waite archetypes and ideas on how to best use your deck.
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