Give new life to old favorites by combining classic desserts into incredibly ingenious, doubly delicious delights
Why limit tonight’s dessert to brownies or cheesecake when combining them into one absurdly flavorful concoction of brownie chucks floating in creamy cheesecake on a brownie crust can be the ultra decadent alternative. A creative compendium complete with beautiful color-photos, Double-Take Desserts shows readers how to combine two delectable desserts into one scrumptious confection. More than just smashing two desserts together, these recipes offer a way to refresh favorites into something that will wow everyone. Cookie lovers and people pining for pie will die for Snickerdoodle Ice Cream Pie, and Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownies will satisfy those who can’t decide between the two. And of course everyone will be lining up to try the Cronut, that famous mash-up of doughnuts and croissants. Readers will be amazed at how easy it is to take two beloved flavors and combine them into one simple dessert. Classic flavors like s’mores, rocky road, and Milky Way get reinvented into creative cookie and pie combinations.
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