Celebrate New York City’s best borough as you color your way through detailed illustrations of architecture, local spots, and more iconic scenes from Brooklyn.
Escape into the very best parts of New York City living with Brooklyn Bound: A Coloring Book. Relax and color your way through the streets of Brooklyn with detailed illustrations of gorgeous neighborhoods like Red Hook, Bed Stuy, Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and more. Discover vibrant spots like Prospect Park, stunning architecture like the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge, historical places like Greenwood Cemetery, and so much more. You may even discover some fun facts about Brooklyn along the way. Whether you’re a local, visitor, or curious explorer, you will love this artsy guide to Brooklyn!
Mikayla Sherfy is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. After moving from Missouri, where she was raised by a family of artists, Mikayla found inspiration in the beautifully complex NYC cityscape. She has been illustrating and painting it ever since, and her illustrations can be seen displayed in shops, offices, and galleries all around NYC. She never tires of exploring Brooklyn and has lived in many of the borough’s neighborhoods, including the Navy Yard, Sunset Park, and Flatbush. Mikayla now lives and works in Greenpoint with her partner Adam and their dog Ferris. This is her first book.
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