Designs and techniques for ornamental fonts and flourishes that create exquisite hand-lettered works of art
Who wants just another store-bought invitation or thank you letter? The Botanical Hand Lettering Workbook shows how to craft personalized fonts that transform ordinary cards into beautiful art. This easy-to-follow guide provides instructions on hand lettering a huge variety of styles from exquisite calligraphy and vintage script to modern typefaces and whimsical fonts. And for the perfect finishing touch, the author shows how to embellish these with uniquely constructed floral drawings. Featuring step-by-step lessons and blank pages for practicing, The Botanical Hand Lettering Workbook is the perfect book for typography enthusiasts and beginner artists alike. Over 100 step-by-step workbook pages offer ample opportunity to practice lettering side by side with the author’s exquisite finished works. Once readers have mastered the techniques, they’ll be able to produce beautiful, ornamented illustrations on paper, parchment, and canvas.
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