These 33 customizable, black-and-white oracle cards are made out of sturdy matte paper, perfect for coloring with pens, colored pencils, markers, and more. Once you personalize this deck with creative colors and designs, use the one-of-a-kind oracle cards to discover the divine messages and inspiration you need for improving your health, happiness, relationships, and life.
Included in each deck is a helpful companion guidebook full of details on various archangels and instructions on how to best use your deck.
Anne-Sophie Casper is a Reiki master, teacher, licensed massage therapist, certified coach, energy specialist, the author of oracles as well as personal growth and well-being books, and host of conferences, training sessions, and a radio column on self-development.
With a bachelor’s degree in applied arts and a master’s degree in digital creation, Marion Blanc was a graphic designer for five years in a digital studio before being an illustrator.
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