Make kids’ virtual school experience fun and effective with this all-in-one primer designed to help busy parents make the most out of digital platforms, understand teaching strategies, and fully support your child’s education.
Every parent wants to help their child succeed, but it can be difficult when online platforms and teaching methods seem to be constantly changing. Now, A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning takes the mystery out of digital education and gives you the tools that you can immediately implement at home, no matter your district, school, or distance learning model.
Written by a fellow parent and experienced educator, Dr. Felicia Durden breaks down how virtual learning works and simple strategies for reinforcing classroom instruction, all with the busy parent in mind. In this book, parents will learn how to:
Adapting to a virtual environment will be challenging and the role that parents play is crucial in student success. This book will be a tool that you will go to again and again to stay prepared and energized each day to help your child reach their learning goals.
Dr. Felicia Durden is an accomplished educator with over 20 years of experience. She has taught grades K–12 in her role as a reading specialist, served as an assistant director of reading and writing, and is a successful school principal of a K–6 school in Phoenix, Arizona. A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning is Dr. Felicia’s fourth book in education. She has a strong desire to provide families with tools to help their children succeed in school. She believes that as their child’s first teacher it is important that they are given tools and tips that will help them on their journey. Dr. Felicia enjoys traveling with her family and reading.
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