A hilarious coloring-book celebration of everything 90s, including movies, music, television, fashion, and technology
Who said coloring books are just for children? With The 1990s Coloring Book, fans of that epic era can grab their neon crayons and start shading in their favorite moments. A colorful decade full of intriguing characters, memorable slang, and regrettable fashion, the 1990s loom large in today’s pop-culture consciousness. With a variety of illustrations from gigantic Zack Morris cell phones, flamboyant Bill Cosby sweaters, and mesmerizing Lisa Frank folders to Ross and Rachel kissing at Central Perk, the Spice Girls donning super-tall platform shoes, and Biggie and Tupac rapping East Coast/West Coast, the pages of The 1990s Coloring Book are a Rollerblade down memory lane. This pop-culture collage provides endless fun for anyone who is artistically inclined or just nostalgic for the days of Doc Martens and Daria. It truly is all that and a bag of chips.
James Grange is an illustrator who enjoys coloring pages because of their simple nature: with a little creativity, anyone can color a masterpiece, regardless of artistic training.
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