Find the solution to fixing and preventing your frozen shoulder, tendinitis, and dislocation injuries—right from your own home! Millions of people suffer from shoulder injuries and chronic pain, but that shouldn’t stop you from living your life to the fullest. With the new edition of The Healthy Shoulder Handbook, written by Dr. Karl Knopf, a director at the International Sports Science Association who has been in the health and fitness field for more than 40 years, you can live pain free once again with these simple yet effective rotator cuff exercises, stretching techniques, tips for increasing your range of motions, and more!

Check out the following exercises from The Healthy Shoulder Handbook before heading over to order your own copy. Whether you’re an athlete, construction worker, or have simply been working from home at a desk for too long, this book is perfect for helping you alleviate the strain on your shoulders and quickly get back to your daily routines.


GOAL: increase range of motion

STARTING POISITION: Sit with proper posture in a stable chair.

  1. Place your right hand on your left shoulder.
  2. Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently press your right elbow toward your throat. Your elbow should be in line with your nose. Hold for a moment.
  3. Switch sides and repeat.

VARIATION: Perform while standing with proper posture.

Over the Top

GOAL: increase flexibility

STARTING POSITION: Sit with proper posture in a stable chair.

  1. Reach your right hand up to the ceiling.
  2. Bend your arm and let your forearm rest against the back of your head. Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently press your right arm down your back as far as feels comfortable. Hold for a moment.
  3. Switch sides and repeat.

VARIATION: Perform while standing with proper posture.


GOAL: increase range of motion and muscle tone

STARTING POSITION: Stand tall with proper posture and your arms at your sides, palms facing forward.

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose and slowly raise your arms out to the sides as high as comfortably possible. Try to touch your thumbs above your head.
  2. Exhale through your mouth and slowly lower your arms. Repeat as desired.

VARIATION: Turn palms up.

ADVANCED: Try this movement with your back and arms against a wall.

Order your copy of The Healthy Shoulder Handbook here!