Nathan Spiteri is a film maker, actor and writer. He is also a sexual abuse survivor, activist and advocate. Born in Canberra, Australia, Nathan was sexually abused as a child, threatened with his life and the lives of his family members. Keeping the abuse a secret, he turned to drugs, violence and sex in an effort to regain a sense of power and identity. Nathan came out about his trauma after twenty-five years of self-destruction. Through intensive therapy and group work, including AA, NA and SA, Nathan now educates people on the stigma of child sexual abuse and its relation to addiction and substance abuse. Through this medium, Spiteri helps other survivors find closure and move forward with their lives while raising awareness of men’s mental health.
Nathan works with a number of charitable organizations both in the U.S. and Australia. He is currently the Global Ambassador for the Child Liberation Foundation, a child sex trafficking foundation with the goal to eliminate child sex trafficking around the world. He also works with the ‘Aussies Say No More’ Campaign, as part of the global “No More” Campaign, ‘Menslink’ in Canberra, Australia, and ‘SAMSN’, Survivors and Mates Support Network, one of Australia’s leading associations for male survivors of child sexual abuse. Nathan’s TEDx talk is about “The Power of One: Recovery from Trauma and Addiction.”
Nathan’s memoir, TOY CARS, is his powerful account of survival and inspiration. The highly acclaimed book dives into the aftermath of being abused and manipulated by the actions and lies of a vicious pedophile. Written as an honest and compelling account of his struggle with child abuse (including a descent into addiction, violence and prostitution), Nathan’s story ultimately offers the redemptive lessons of recovery and acquired wisdom. Nathan introduces readers into the heart and the mind of one who struggles, grieves and ultimately heals to see the value of living after traumatic experiences.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...